Learn from others


Interview with Laura Magan, tourism expert:
Interview with tourism expert Iris Hrund Halldorsdottir
Interview with Maria Cecilia Lupis, Reception manager at Barcelona Hotel:
Funiber insight into tourism in crisis:


Tourpreneur: This podcast is geared toward travel startups, innovators, and creatives. It features interviews with travel and tourism leaders who share insights on different topics related to the industry.
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Travel Massive podcast: This podcast is geared toward travel startups, innovators, and creatives. It features interviews with travel and tourism leaders who share insights on different topics related to the industry.
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Destination On The Left: This podcast features interviews with various innovators in the travel and tourism industry. They discuss marketing strategies, collaborative initiatives, and trends in tourism.
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Travel Business Success Podcast: Tourism Tim Warren shares insights, strategies, and success stories in this podcast focused on helping those in the travel trade.
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